Tuesday, 16 March 2010



  1. Response to Facebook msg: I live in West Sussex and was a heavy smoker, God set me free over night from the addiction and healed my lungs. I do not have certificates from doctors, but my evidence is that I could walk up stair cases without heavy breathing. I have other testimonies, but this is the greatest in terms of physical miracles. Helpful?

  2. I am a walking and a living testimony.I had a stroke in 2005. I was just recently in an bad automobile accident where my truck was hit by a man running the light. My truck didn't look like a truck but in my spirit before that happened i knew that there was something in my spirit wasn't right. To make a long story short i was called a long time ago but as a child i didn't know who i was and i use to cry to my grandmother and i would tell her that i was having nightmares and the nightmares always seems to happen. My grandmother told me that you are a Prophetess and i still didn't know what she meant by that. As i got older well i understood because once again i was found unrespondsive. As i layed there i saw who i really was even in the deep sleep i was in. I could see me and people around me that was lost in their sins and i was preaching and laying hands on the sick. I have seen the end times three times and i want to tell the ones who don't believe in miracles i'm here to tell you i have seen many miracles happened. And God is real. I'm still standing and not sitting in a wheelchair like i was for three years. One day i told my husband even when the doctor said no i wasn't gonna talk,walk and think the same way.If you could see me know i'm walking and talking and even going out to find these lost soul. I will always thank God for the calling he gave me and the devil is mad...so please don't be afraid to tell the world what God has done for you because we are living in the last of the last days.I continue to go out and give my testimonies even in McDonalds,Wal-Mart and anywhere where there is people.Prophetess Randle

  3. @ prophetess Randle, this is such a great testimony. thanks for sharing

  4. Joyce Clodfelter11 June 2010 at 09:55

    God is so good ---I have been healed of cancer, delivered from alcohol, protected in so many situations, given a job I never applied for --- he even kept a tree from falling on my house --- my next testimony is going to be financial --wait and see!

  5. I am a true believer of miracles and God's protective powers. A friend and I were traveling on a business trip to North Carolina and when we got close to our destination we ending up in what looked like not the best part of town. The next right turn should have taken us right on the highway to the hotel as the map showed. As we turned that corner we kept going in circles around the same corner... after about 7 times.. which seemed rediculous, the next time around we went the same way and WOW... low and behold, it was like the road opened up.. it was the highway we were supposed to be on and the hotel was on the left hand side.. (I CANNOT EXPLAIN HOW THIS HAPPENED, MY FRIEND AND I WERE DUMBFOUNDED TO SAY THE LEAST.. BUT THAT IS NOT THE LAST OF IT)... We saw a couple of police cars in front of the hotel and as we pulled up in front of the door.. my friend went in to make sure we had the right place and when she came out she informed me that 20 minutes prior they were held up by gun point.. which by the way is when we would have been there if we would have pulled up the first time around... I Know there is a God and his Angels to protect us.

  6. The Lord is
    everything to me. The Lord is truly my lifeline. As I reflect back to the person
    I used to be I give God all the Glory for what He has done in my life.Also I
    thank God for the people He has placed along my path to encourage me, to help me
    to become the person that I am today.My life is a miracle because I can
    reflect to when I was a child, I was in a serious accident and surgery needed to
    be done on my head and the side of the abdomen and I survived it.No one but
    the Hand of God and the prayers from others which I truly do appreciate with all
    of my heart could have made that possible.The Lord has completely
    transformed me from the inside out and because of this process I have a grateful
    heart and grateful spirit and I give God all the Glory. Be

    and here my second testimony:

    i would like to share what the Lord has done in my life. this is something that i have written in my journal..here it goes: Abba, you are truly my lifeline indeed!! Thank you for everything You have done in my life. Lord, i can look at my lif...e and i am like WOW! to look back and to see what i use to be and to now see what type of lady You are developing me into. I am earnestly thankful for You Heavenly Father for being my Rock and my firm foundation. Lord, thank You for helping me. I look back and am like amazed and i have You to thank and the people who helped me in this journey...in this walk with You. Lord, i am eternally grateful in earnest
